614th TFS  1975 - 1980 Era
614TFS-2. 614TFS-1a.

Jul y 1980

(l to r) ? 1 ?, ? 2 ? , ? 3 ? , Phil Bache, Mike Ecklund, ? 4 ? , Marty Bischoff, JR Lynch, Jerry Kitchen, Gary Griffith, unk, Greg Alston

(Intake) Rick Hague, ? 5 ? , (front row) Greg Alston, Al Kohn, Lionel Teran, Dave McElwee, Ken Latour ?, Larry Faison, Rick Dammer

Mike Wilken, Jack Rutiger, Barry Johnson, Bill Chamblee, Mark DuLaney, Denny McCoppin, Steve Runer, Chris Barber, Bruce Megahan, ? 7 ? , Barry Smyth, Jon Sweemer

Joe Collins, Paul Burns, Alex Trujillo, Al Viers, Paul Madson, Carter Duke, BJ Carey, Jerry Ulven, Dave Ray

Help clear the red blanks. If you can id any/all for the subtitles please email to steve@sktx.net.  Thanks to all so far.